Welcome to European Institute of Integrative Health Sciences

I appreciate the weight of choosing the right institution to obtain your education in the evolving healthcare industry. I am confident that our institution will provide you with the best in class option for that choice.
Dr. Aram Akopyan
Thank you for your interest in our unique learning institution. We are proud to offer revolutionary new way of learning for the next generation of healthcare practitioners. Our improved, core competencies based curriculum in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Asian Manual Therapies, Health Energetics and other traditional Taoist healing therapies founded on the core biomedical sciences affords our students the means to develop a rich, rewarding, confident career in the field of integrative health care.
The mixture of ancient heritage of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the modern biomedical sciences provides our students professional training programs that meet & exceed the International Education Base Standard of the Pan European Federation of TCM Societies (PEFOTS) & the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA).
Our hybrid blended learning model and the use of synchronous and asynchronous teaching methods provides our students a flexible modular educational programs from certificates to Bachelor's and Master's level degrees. In addition, for those who want to further expand their clinical experience in all areas of TCM, our partnerships with US and China based schools gives our students and graduates opportunities to advance their training into OMD and PhD programs.

Aram Akopyan
Medical Doctor. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R)
National & State Board Certified in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
Diplomate Oriental Medicine NCCAOM
MATCM Yo San University of TCM
Masters of Science in Computer Science
Director of Communications European TCM Association (ETCMA)
Founding Member of EIIHS
I am always available to meet with our prospective students, educators and interested stakeholders